Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Three Days Jumbo Safari

Day 1: Tsavo West

Pick up from the hotel at around 6.00 am driving along Mombasa- Nairobi highway for 100 kms and a stop over for coffee. Proceed for another 100 kms to Tsavo west, arrive at the gate and begin the game drive en route to Ngulia Bandas checking in at around 1.00 pm for lunch. Relax till 4.00 pm for the evening game drive to the rhino sanctuary where you have a chance to see the black rhinos. Tsavo west covers an area of 9,065 km2.

Physical attractions include the Chyulu Hills, Ngulia Hills, Chaimu Larva, Shetani Larva and Mzima Springs. The landscape for Tsavo west is grassland savannah with Acacia forests. Animals in Tsavo west include elephants, buffalos, leopards, lions, rhinos, giraffes and zebras. Drive back to Ngulia Bandas at around 6.30 pm for dinner and overnight (Ngulia Bandas)

Day 2: Amboseli

Wake up at around 6.00 am for a full breakfast followed by a game drive en route to Mzima Springs where you have a chance to see hippos and crocodiles. The spring produces over one million litres of water per day. Drive to Chyulu gate checking out of Tsavo West driving to Amboseli with a convoy. You will have a stop over at Shetani Larva for photos and proceed to Kimana gate in Amboseli 80 kms from Tsavo West. Drive to (Kibo Safari Camp) time for lunch till 4.00 pm.

An evening game drive till 6.30 pm then back to camp for dinner and overnight (Kibo Safari Camp ). Amboseli covers an area of 390 km2. Physical attractions are grassland savannah, swamps and a view of Mt Kilimanjaro (The highest mountain in Africa, 5,895metres). It’s also a home to elephants, giraffes, cheetah, zebras, gnus, hyenas, buffalos among others. Amboseli is also a paradise for birds.

Day 3: Amboseli - Diani

Wake up at 6.00 am for full breakfast followed by a short game drive and depart to Voi 300 kms from Amboseli for lunch. After lunch, drive back to your hotel.

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